How Can I Typehint a String as a Method Name on a Class for Static Analysis with Phpstan / Phpstorm?
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How Can I Typehint a String as a Method Name on a Class for Static Analysis with Phpstan / Phpstorm?

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If you’re a PHP developer, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the problem of typehinting a string as a method name on a class for static analysis with Phpstan or Phpstorm. It’s a common issue that can be frustrating, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this problem, and more importantly, provide a step-by-step guide on how to solve it.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. Phpstan and Phpstorm are two popular tools used for static analysis in PHP development. They help identify errors, vulnerabilities, and performance issues in your code, making it easier to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code.

One common scenario where typehinting a string as a method name on a class becomes a problem is when you’re using a factory method or a service container to resolve instances of classes based on a string configuration. For example:

class MyClassFactory {
    public function create(string $methodName): object {
        $class = MyClass::class;
        return $class->$methodName();

In the above example, the `create` method takes a string parameter `$methodName`, which is used to call a method on the `MyClass` instance. The problem arises when Phpstan or Phpstorm can’t resolve the method name at runtime, resulting in warnings or errors.

Why Can’t I Typehint a String as a Method Name?

The main reason you can’t typehint a string as a method name on a class is due to the way PHP handles typehinting. In PHP, typehints are used to specify the expected data type of a variable, function parameter, or return value. However, when it comes to method names, PHP doesn’t allow you to typehint a string as a method name directly.

This limitation is intentional, as it helps prevent security vulnerabilities and potential code injection attacks. Allowing a string to be used as a method name could lead to arbitrary code execution, making your application vulnerable to attacks.

The Solution

So, how can you typehint a string as a method name on a class for static analysis with Phpstan or Phpstorm? The answer lies in using a combination of PHP’s built-in features and clever coding techniques. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:

Step 1: Use an Interface or Abstract Class

Create an interface or abstract class that defines the method you want to call dynamically. For example:

interface MyMethodInterface {
    public function myMethod(): void;

This interface defines a single method `myMethod`, which will be used as the dynamic method name.

Step 2: Use a Helper Class or Trait

Create a helper class or trait that will be used to resolve the dynamic method name. For example:

trait DynamicMethodTrait {
    public function callDynamicMethod(string $methodName): void {
        if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Method $methodName does not exist");

This trait defines a single method `callDynamicMethod`, which takes a string parameter `$methodName`. It checks if the method exists on the current class using `method_exists`, and if it does, calls the method using the dynamic syntax `$this->$methodName()`.

Step 3: Implement the Interface and Use the Trait

Implement the `MyMethodInterface` interface on your `MyClass` class and use the `DynamicMethodTrait` trait. For example:

class MyClass implements MyMethodInterface {
    use DynamicMethodTrait;

    public function myMethod(): void {
        // Implementation of myMethod

By implementing the interface and using the trait, you’ve effectively decoupled the dynamic method name from the class implementation.

Step 4: Typehint the Dynamic Method Name

Now, when you want to typehint the dynamic method name, you can use the interface or abstract class as the typehint. For example:

class MyClassFactory {
    public function create(MyMethodInterface $methodName): object {
        $class = MyClass::class;
        return $class->$methodName->callDynamicMethod($methodName);

In this example, the `create` method takes an instance of `MyMethodInterface` as a parameter, which is then used to call the dynamic method name on the `MyClass` instance.

Phpstan and Phpstorm Configuration

To ensure that Phpstan and Phpstorm understand the typehinting, you’ll need to configure them accordingly. Here are some tips:

  • In Phpstan, you can use the `phpstan.neon` configuration file to specify the typehinting rules. For example:
            method_calls: true
  • In Phpstorm, you can configure the typehinting settings in the `Settings` > `Languages & Frameworks` > `PHP` > `Typehinting` section. Enable the `Typehinting for method calls` option.


Typehinting a string as a method name on a class for static analysis with Phpstan or Phpstorm requires a creative approach. By using interfaces, abstract classes, and traits, you can decouple the dynamic method name from the class implementation and provide a clear typehint for static analysis.

Remember, it’s essential to understand the limitations of PHP’s typehinting system and the potential security risks associated with using dynamic method names. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can write clean, maintainable, and efficient code that’s optimized for static analysis with Phpstan and Phpstorm.

Tool Configuration
Phpstan phpstan.neon configuration file
Phpstorm Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Typehinting

By following these steps and configuring your tools correctly, you can ensure that your code is properly typehinted and ready for static analysis with Phpstan and Phpstorm.

  1. Understand the problem and its limitations
  2. Use interfaces or abstract classes to define the dynamic method name
  3. Implement a helper class or trait to resolve the dynamic method name
  4. Typehint the dynamic method name using the interface or abstract class
  5. Configure Phpstan and Phpstorm for optimal typehinting

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to typehint a string as a method name on a class for static analysis with Phpstan and Phpstorm, ensuring your code is clean, maintainable, and efficient.

Frequently Asked Question

PHP developers, listen up! Are you struggling to typehint a string as a method name on a class for static analysis with PHPStan and PhpStorm? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to guide you through this tricky task.

Q1: What is the purpose of typehinting a string as a method name?

Typehinting a string as a method name helps static analysis tools like PHPStan and PhpStorm understand the intent of your code, ensuring that the method exists and can be called safely. This provides better code readability, maintainability, and error detection.

Q2: How can I typehint a string as a method name using PHPStan?

You can use the `string|callable` type hint, indicating that the string is a method name. For example, `function callMethod(string|callable $methodName): void`. This tells PHPStan that the string is a valid method name.

Q3: Can I use PHP DocBlock annotations to hint the method name?

Yes, you can use PHP DocBlock annotations to hint the method name. For example, `@param string|callable $methodName`. This provides additional information to PhpStorm and other static analysis tools about the intent of the code.

Q4: What if I’m using a string as a method name dynamically, how can I typehint that?

In this case, you can use the `string|array` type hint, indicating that the string is a dynamic method name. For example, `function callDynamicMethod(string|array $methodName): void`. This tells PHPStan that the string might be a method name or an array of method names.

Q5: Are there any other best practices for typehinting method names?

Yes, consider using interfaces or abstract classes to define the method signatures, and then use those interfaces or abstract classes as type hints. This provides a more explicit and expressive way to hint method names and improve code quality.

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