Mongoose Not Returning Documents from Existing Connection: Resolution and Explanation
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Mongoose Not Returning Documents from Existing Connection: Resolution and Explanation

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If you’re experiencing issues with Mongoose not returning documents from an existing connection, you’re not alone. This problem can be frustrating, especially when you’ve thoroughly checked your code and database for errors. Fortunately, the solution is relatively straightforward, and we’ll dive into the details below.

Understanding the Issue

When you create a connection to a MongoDB database using Mongoose, you might encounter a situation where your queries don’t return any documents, even though you’re certain that the data exists. This can occur due to the way Mongoose handles connections and query execution.

Reason Behind the Issue

The primary reason for this behavior is that Mongoose, by default, does not automatically reconnect to the database after the initial connection is established. If the connection is lost or times out, subsequent queries will not return any results, even if the documents exist in the database.

Solution: Disable Buffering or Enable Reconnection

To resolve this issue, you have two options:

  1. Disable buffering: You can disable buffering by setting the bufferCommands option to false when creating your Mongoose connection. This approach ensures that queries are executed immediately, rather than being buffered and executed when the connection is re-established.

    mongoose.createConnection(‘mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase’, { bufferCommands: false });

  2. Enable reconnection: Alternatively, you can enable automatic reconnection by setting the reconnectTries and reconnectInterval options when creating your Mongoose connection. This approach allows Mongoose to automatically reconnect to the database in case of a connection loss.

    mongoose.createConnection(‘mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase’, {
    reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE,
    reconnectInterval: 500


By disabling buffering or enabling reconnection, you should now be able to retrieve documents from your existing Mongoose connection. Remember to adjust these options according to your application’s requirements and performance needs.

Remember, troubleshooting Mongoose issues requires a thorough understanding of its configuration options and behavior. By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the “Mongoose not returning documents from existing connection” problem and get back to developing your application.

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Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most pressing questions about Mongoose and its quirks!

Why is Mongoose not returning documents from an existing connection?

This is because Mongoose uses a separate connection pool for each model. Even if you have an existing connection, Mongoose will create a new one for the specific model you’re using. Try using the same connection for all models to avoid this issue!

How do I reuse an existing connection with Mongoose?

You can reuse an existing connection by creating a Mongoose instance with the existing connection. For example: `const mongooseInstance = mongoose.createConnection(existingConnection);`. Then, you can use this instance to create models and perform queries.

What if I’m using Mongoose with a promise library like Bluebird?

When using Mongoose with a promise library like Bluebird, you need to ensure that the promise library is properly configured to work with Mongoose’s connections. Make sure to promisify the Mongoose connection using the promise library to avoid any issues.

Can I use the same Mongoose connection for multiple Node.js applications?

While it’s technically possible to share a Mongoose connection between multiple Node.js applications, it’s not recommended. Each application should have its own Mongoose instance and connection to ensure isolation and avoid potential issues.

What if I’m still having issues with Mongoose not returning documents from an existing connection?

If you’ve tried the above solutions and still having issues, it’s likely due to a specific configuration or implementation issue. Check your Mongoose version, ensure that your connection is properly established, and verify that your models are correctly defined. If all else fails, try debugging your code or seeking help from the Mongoose community!

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